Thursday, November 19, 2009

the chicken hawk

For the past 2 days a Chicken Hawk has been pestering and eyeballing my chickens - to eat them and the guinea fowl.
We have seen him/her multiple times. At first, we thought that it was a juvenile bald eagle. Thank google it wasn't! (oops, Freudian slip ) I mean thank goodness.
The Chicken Hawk, otherwise known as the Cooper's Hawk, has been flying around the property and perching on trees in our yard. Earlier this morning, I heard loud squabbling from the chickens and ran to the front windows to see what was causing all the fuss.
I saw a Cooper's Hawk flying around.
When I ran outside, the hawk got frightened and went flying down to the water area.
I lost sight of it after that .

I'm not sure how many of you know that 2 of the guinea fowl have, sadly, passed away (a.k.a. been either eaten or killed). I am not sure whether or not the Cooper is the culprit. Hmmmn.
What do you think?


  1. So pretty a bird....yet so nasty.
    Maybe you could convince the hawk to chase the sheep instead??

  2. why
    do you want to get rid of them?

  3. Are they called "chicken hawks" because of their propensity to feast on chickens or has it do with their size?
