Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Everyday Down at the Farm

Many of you want to know what is going on "down on the farm," like how I get the eggs and such.

Most of my days start with me waking up and running downstairs to stand in front of the fire (it's getting cold these mornings in November).

After that, I go in the mudroom to put my boots and jacket on and then, outside to let the chickens and guinea fowl out of the coop; they also roost in the chicken coop with the chickens.
When they are all out (including Henrietta), I scoop about 2 lbs. of grain and scatter half of it on the ground and half in their feeder. Then I go into the chicken coop to collect eggs and fill the water dispenser (if it's empty). Usually, at 8 o'clock in the morning, there are only about 8 or 9 eggs. Most days a hen is in the first nesting box with an egg under her - when that happens, I slide my hand under her wing and take the warm egg and put it in my pocket (I often forget the egg basket).
After I am done in the coop, I run over to the horses and let them out of their stalls.
But before I go back inside, I spend some quality time with my hens.